Comprehensive data on food supply and consumption is published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Data was analyzed by The Global Graph and is published in these below Highlights, Graphs and Tables (Data Quality & definitions)
As per United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), average person in Benin gets their caloric supply from :
Carbohydrates : 110.20%110.20%
Fat : 25.82%25.82%
Plant protein : 11.56%11.56%
Animal protein : 3.28%3.28%
50.86% increase in caloric supply : Currently Benin gets 2619/kilocalories per person per day worth of caloric supply when compared to 1736/kilocalories per person per day in Year 1961
Cereals & Grains, Starchy Roots and Oils & Fats are three major diet compositions in Benin
Rice, Maize and Wheat are three major Cereal preferences in Benin
National and World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations on vegetable intake is to range between 200-250g per day and in Benin average intake is 156.99 grams
Pineapples, Bananas and Apples are three major Fruit Types Intake in Benin
National and World Health Organization (WHO) typically set a guideline of 200g Fruit Intake per day and in Benin average Fruit intake is 135.95grams
In Benin, average male height is in the decreasing trend and female height is in decreasing trend
26.30% of population is suffering from obesity and this trend is continously increasing from last few years
Average Male BMI in Benin is in the range of normal and Average Female BMI is in range of normal (BMI = Body Mass Index - The WHO define a BMI <=18.5 as 'underweight'; 18.5 to 25 as 'normal/healthy'; 25.0 to 30.0 as 'obese')